Sunday, April 25, 2021

My Mom has Alzheimer’s and I suck as a caregiver, I just want to be a daughter.

 Mom was diagnosed early Feb 2021 and from Feb 21 until today I have been with her almost 600 hours. 

Just about every weekend from Wednesday at 4 until Monday at 10 am I am with her not as a daughter but as a caregiver. She doesn’t really need a lot of personal care but needs someone to be her memory. Help her remember to take meds. Make sure she doesn’t hurt herself, take her shopping, help her prep meals, style her hair.

While I was growing up she was my rock. She babysat my boys.

Now, when I look at her, I see her but it is like she is not my Mom. Because MY mom is an independent, strong woman, not the insecure, confused, frightened woman in the room with me


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