Saturday, March 17, 2012

Virgina Tech Verdict - It's not about the money - BULLSHIT

So pissed. Jury awarded two families $4M each. Oh, they said it is not about the money. Yeah, right. One lady said that she just wanted make an example of Virginia Tech so if the situation happened again, they would be more proactive so that this never happened again. Isn't that what they (and every other freakin' organization) has been doing since April 16, 2007? I think losing 32 students to that psycho was enough "punishment" for Virginia Tech - Hell, for everyone. If it isn't about the money, they should put every cent into a charity or scholarship or something of that nature in their child's name.

There is absolutely NO WAY Virginia Tech could have known what to do based on the knowledge they had at the time.


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