Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School!!

My older son tweeted the other day that he was "Not going back to school for the first time in 19 years". My youngest son is starting 2nd grade on Monday and it is his 5th year of school. Both boys began preschool at 3 years old. I wonder if all kids do this now? I did not have any type of pre-school but my first day of school was 1st grade!

My favorite first day of school tradition with my youngest is to take his picture in the same spot every year to see how much he has grown from year to year. In Family Fun Magazine they suggest taking one on the last day of school as well, to see how they have changed in that time.

We are excited about this year, not supposed to be a lot of homework, but mostly reading! His teacher is also a friend of ours. We hope that this year won't strain that relationship!!

Because of the age difference between my two boys, I am trying to take advantage of this time with my "last" child. I am so fortunate to have these two boys and want no more regrets.


At 9/05/2009 11:04 AM, Blogger The Kitchen said...

I love that idea of taking pix of the kids in the same spot!!


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