Sunday, May 05, 2013

What's wrong with this picture?

I work in a small town.  Even though it is not a bar, I sometimes joke that my job is like a bartender's.  People come in and tell me their problems over a retail counter.  I don't even have to ask, "how are you?"  they just freely offer their situations.  Examples:  "I just had surgery.  Want to see my scar?"  "Sorry I am so slow walking but my leg is infected.  Want to see?"   I quickly learned to say no.

And then there are the customers that need advice.  "Can you help me file my taxes?"  "Why did my wife leave me?" "What am I going to do about my kid?"

Well, a customer came in last week who is the grandmother to a girl who just got out of prison a couple months ago.  The grandma said she was back in jail because her husband wouldn't even give her money to buy shampoo and she stole it from the local discount store.  My reply was, why didn't she get a job so she could buy what she wanted herself?  The answer?  " She can't get a job because they will cut out their food stamps."  HELLO:???  If she had a JOB, she might not NEED food stamps!!!  I told the grandmother this and she agreed I was right.  I pleaded with her to try to make that point with the granddaughter, she said she would.  The girl has to go through rehab.....again.


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