Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Why do I vote Republican?

When I was growing up, my Mom worked in a sewing factory, and my Dad worked construction. Our first home was an apartment above a Mom and Pop style convenience store. Then we lived in a two bedroom house, that they rented for $75 a month. My Mom would make oatmeal and biscuits every morning for breakfast. Her and Dad would get up and eat first, and then leave my brother and I us some oatmeal and a biscuit. I remember how cold the kitchen was and after we ate, Mom would bring us our clothes and we would huddle around the front of the stove to dress. (She would open the oven door that would still have some heat inside from baking the biscuits) I can remember sitting in front of that oven and putting my feet on the door to warm my toes. Then they bought our first house. The land was $300 and the house was an $11,000 Jim Walter home. Finally my brother and I had our own rooms. Why do I tell you this, because I have been trying to figure out all day today why I vote Republican. We are always told by the Democrats that Republicans are only for the rich. I am NOT a rich person! I do not come from a rich family! To me, the Democratic party is for people who do not think they need to work for what they have. They are there to make people dependent upon others and for those who feel they are "entitled" to what is theirs.

I moved away from home 4 months shy of my 20th birthday. After a heartbreak, I wanted to get out on my own and not depend on anyone. I wanted to take care of myself. I had a job as a bill collector, and remember how so many of the people I called to collect from, seemed to get into trouble because of medical bills. I especially remember the single moms I had to call and how expensive it was for them to have a baby. I ended up marrying my high school sweetheart, and then, after 4 years of marriage, he decided to leave me for someone at work. By the way, he left when I was 2 months pregnant with my first son. Nice guy, huh? The only thing I could think of was how I was afraid that I would end up being a welfare Mom. For one year, I worked 3 jobs. I had a full-time job and two part-time jobs. (His child-support was a little less than reliable.) At NO TIME did I think that I should give up working and sign up for welfare. Thank goodness my Mom helped me by babysitting. (NOT for free, mind you, I paid her)

So, what bugs me is this whole "Spread the Wealth" thing that Obama talked about while campaigning and how so many think that is a good idea. I read somewhere that 70% of the total taxes paid are paid by the top 2% of earners, and that 45% of the US pays ZERO dollars in taxes. If 45% of people pay ZERO dollars in taxes, then I guess that means that they have no earnings. They are on WELFARE. My Dad is on welfare. He pays no taxes. He is in a nursing home and is paralyzed on one side, from a stroke. He worked for about 50 years before having a stroke, which left him paralyzed. I think welfare is good for someone like him. He spent his entire retirement funds and also sold every asset he owned and gave the $$ to the nursing home (less about $53oo for a pre-paid funeral). I don't fault him for having to rely on the government now. He has paid his dues. WHAT I HATE is when I see a mother who has been on welfare and then she has a couple to five kids who ALSO end up on welfare, not because they can't work, but because they WON'T work.

There is a girl in a nearby town. She is under 30. Has four kids from 4 different men. She does not work, and sends letters weekly to different men, all who are in prison. She collects SSI (welfare). I want to know why she doesn't work? I think in a situation like that, a person should have to work to earn their food stamps. She walks the roads from her apartment to the dollar store, couldn't she pick up trash along the way or sit somewhere and answer a phone for a government office or something? Why is it okay for her to have a cell phone and to get her nails done professionally? Why can't there be some type of accountability for how the GOVERNMENT's MONEY that she receives is being spent?

Now, Obama has plans to raise taxes so that he can help more people get "something for nothing". I do not think that welfare should be a permanent solution. It should have an end or a timetable. Work sort of like unemployment, where you have to go look for a job to get the check.

I work 40 hours a week. About 25% of my salary goes to taxes. With what is left, I help pay for health insurance, and contribute to my retirement fund. I get to bring home about 40% of my total earnings. This is what I use to pay for groceries, gas, etc. I take care of necessities FIRST. I know how much it costs to have my nails and hair done. Guess what? If I need food my my family....I DON"T have those things done!

I think the best tax plan I have heard of is the "Fair Tax" or the "Flat Tax". I think how it works is, there are no other taxes. No food, car, gasoline tax, but everyone pays the same. If you earn $2M, you pay say 5%. if you earn $45K, you pay 5%. No other taxes. I wonder if you qualify for a check from the government if they would deduct 5% from it? Not sure, but it sure sounds more fair. You know what? If the Democratic party decided to get behind the Fair Tax, (which would be great since they have control of the Senate too) I might just switch parties. I just hope that in 4 years I can say that the world is a better place, then I can say "you told me so". I hope.

Okay, I have vented. Thanks.