Saturday, July 26, 2008

Virginia Tech Tragedy

You know, I am getting sick and tired of all the finger pointing and blame that people are putting on Virginia Tech. The only person that is to blame here is that SICKO CHO! This could have happened any where! And WHEREVER it happened, there would have been deaths that COULD NOT have been prevented. It is sooooo easy to say "you could have" or "you should have". It was a HORRIBLE tragedy and we must get past it. Sure, LEARN from what happened. Maybe the lessons learned will keep the number of 32 from being 64 people murdered somewhere else some day. I was proud of how the community came together and how the local police worked with the Tech Police. Remember the 32 and let's get on with our lives and quit the blame and lawsuits. NO amount of money will correct what has already happened. PLANT A TREE, I did.