Friday, December 21, 2007

Ring around the Moon

We got home late last night and there was a ring around the moon. My husband said for me to count the stars inside the ring and according to an old wives tale, that would be how many days before it snowed. I did not see ANY stars. This morning when we woke up, there was about 1 inch of snow on the ground!!! OMG. I did not think about there being snow over night, but I guess since there were NO stars inside...
The weather man did not even forecast it!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Why you should wash your hands frequently...

I work in a small post office. A lady came in yesterday and they first words out of her mouth were, "I just threw up in the bank parking lot!" I of course told her I hoped she was okay, and she explained that she drank some dark cola and that always makes her throw up. (so if you know this....then why.... anyway...) Then as we completed the transaction she handed me a couple of letters to mail and they were spotted with "cola colored" spots. Ok. gross.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Penn State Student should be punished

As for the two Penn State students that dressed up like a Virginia Tech Shooting Victims, I only hope that their actions follow them into life after college. Their names should be widely circulated and when they graduate and go for an interview, I hope they are interviewed by a HOKIE! I could not believe what one of the students said in a news interview. He said that there was such a big deal made about 32 people being killed and that there were 26,000 students left at Tech. I guess Penn State would not miss him if he met a horrific death. NOT that I wish that upon him. What a jerk.